Thursday, August 9, 2007

What Went Wrong- Psychology Rules

Till now we saw, how come the product can affect our ecological system. Accountability chain is need of hour. Every individual, community, government and institution must be held accountable for his deeds. Welfare of larger mass must be kept in mind before eking out short term profits. Now onwards I will dwell upon the psychological problem of the aspect. Maslow's theory states about the needs and all. I think that is correct in every sense until there is not something about the repercussions of those states. So a person who is struggling to have first level needs can not be expected to attain enlightenment just by preaching him few fundas.

Psychology is even more complex than psychologist can ever think. Every human is different so you can imagine the introduction of complex structure with birth of every child. And this birth affects or changes the complete dynamics of the web i.e psychology. This web( Psychology of humnas) is sub set of broader set or web. This web is of interactions among humnas, animals, environment, Forces and God. So a person who is not educated (ignorant) plouging in field in some coastal part of Vietnam can affect the sensex index of NY stock exchange. A worker in small textile mill in china can affect the ecological balance of Greenland. when things are so much interrelated the regulation of the psychologies is the prime force because it affects the various facets of life on this planet. The psychology of possession is natural to humans. When humans have enough to feed they start accumulating for any future or contingency. After that state they moves into the territory of personal ego (The most difficult aspect of psychology). Here the pride, grandeur and status rules. Most of the time individuals reside in this arena, while billions of people struggle for their survival.

This natural disharmony resulting due to psychology is inevitable. But its magnitude can definitely reduce to certain level. Humans use 5%of their mind (Scientifically proven fact). It makes humans erring. Mistakes are natural impact of this. Our ancestors were affected by the thing. But new generation or present generation is now using 30% of it body. And out of comforts available because of so called technological advances immunity has reached to its lowest levels. Diseases are pervasive. And credit goes to psychology of humans. The most important thing is this that psychology is vulnerable. it can be easily affected by the figures, facts, videos and stills. Psychology can be guided through simulation, stimulation and sizzling tact. It can be maneuver by the theories, ideas and scientific facts. And above all it can be enthralled by the creativity and innovation. You can say that psychology is prone to change. And last few decades have seen a sea change in the psychology of humans and it is well reflected in the transformation of societies, culture and values. What is right and what is wrong alters with the change in values. What is crime and what is not changes with the values. What to have and what not to have with the change of culture.

So this changed pattern of psychology is partially driven by the natural up-gradation in the level of need and vastly strengthened by External forces. These External forces have their psychological gain in mind while changing the thinking patterns of the masses and it takes place without even considering the after effects of this change on the ecology and above all on the way we interact to each other

Monday, July 9, 2007

What Went Wrong- The Problem

Probably this has been the most successful and the most devastating centuries mankind history has ever seen. And this contrast symbolizes one of the aspects of philosophy that says that "One has to pay the price of everything". In this case devastation of Ozone layer, pollution of sea, global warming, hurricanes and pervasive wars have been the price of our ever reaching technology progression, Industrial growth, Consumerism and flood of waste filled in the market.

Planning... !!!
Perhaps the poor planning has been at the core of the present miserable situation of the human mankind. If I am planning to make some product without considering the after effects of it’s by products, or the impact of the product on the humans, or the after math of the waste that it will produce I am at wrong end. The Off-shelve management of the product must not be left to the governments to tackle. It is the responsibility of the product maker to move ahead and take the responsibilities of his actions.(Please Refer fig:1)

But there is no agency that is looking into the aftermath of the product. It is upto the producer to take into consideration all this. And when business is run for business, who will look into the welfare of the society or environment. Cost trade off is always taken at the side of producer. Goverment is another handicap entity in the whole lot. You can well imagine the power of UN and its role in preventing any war in this last century. Product is produced from the brain of some original thinker (However he is never/least given the credit). This person is left then and there. Then in some manufacturing plant starts the game of second handers and profit makers. Here people and raw material that are their nascent stage are exploited. And then emerges the product to be consumed. Product is used by the consumers who are addicted of serving their senses. They too are not aware of the after effects of the usage of the product. as the life cycle of the product ends, it is thrown into the basket of society, where no body wants to keep the baby so this is utter responsibility of society to take care of the waste and the aftereffects of the waste. And when whole world starts crying.....everybody is ready with their diplomats, reporters and politicians to lament over the issue.

What Next ?

Friday, February 9, 2007

Pace of Stagnant Civilisation

Who will open first cafeteria on Moon ? Who will be the largest consumer of Steel ? ......................

Who would be next super power ?

one who is grwoing at 12% p.a(GDP growth), or one who would be youngest nation in 2020.

Mr. X has a million bank accounts to put his trillions of dollars. Mr. Y has donated billions of dollars.

Nanotechnology is new buzz world.

Biotechnology will be technology of this century. We will soon see some "gene-valley" like "silicon valley".

Lets interview our future generation who will sow the results of above advancements....

I feel scared. I have lost suffrage, I have lost trust in government, I have lost virginity out of rape. I cannot pray to my god. I am illiterate. I do not play. I hate white skin people. I hate noise of bullets. I am Asheen, an Iraqi girl.My age is 12.

I work 98 hours a week @ 3 cent a hour. I am beaten twice a week for so-called productivity loss. I cannot work in fields. I cannot make love before the age of 20. I cannot accumulate money for future. I cannot hum Buddha. I am Yan, A Tibetan refuge girl, settled in China, working in textile unit. My age is 16

I am AIDS patient, People says me "untouchable". Aloofness is my friend. I do not know which religion I belong but I am tortured for the same on daily basis. I have not played any game of any sort, I am too frail. I am dying and I can feel the death in my broken mirror. I am Sheen, 10 yrs old girl from Ghana.

I am un-employed, I am getting some amount as social security, I hate Indians who have snatched our back end jobs. I hate Chinese who have snatched our blue-collar jobs. I am obese, as I cannot afford nutritious food. I am John, an American; I was working previously with some BPO firm, which is now closed.


I have 70% countries under my belt. I have made progress since the fall of socialism. Above all are my victims. I can fool billions of people. I have filled opium in the lives of people. I have divided the tools of their strength. I have imprisoned the creativity. I have knelt down the humanity. I have made billions of orphans. I have created the few rich out of billions of poor. I am Capitalism, challenging you all, on the verge of 21st century, come and face me. I am here to reign and you all are my slaves. I have conquered the best asset that u have, your psychology. You are now just moron, thinking mass, mound od slaves, just like sand ....mere sand

Look, first six lines are just to fool you that you are making progress, and just a “feel good factor”. In real sense, I have made you all hollow souls. Your civilization is stagnant….in this cul-de-sac……

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

White Collar Slaves

“I am triggered by my Chinese made watch, at 7 am sharp. I am too quick with my “un required natural urges, and then with some thing to munch in my hand I am all on the way to catch my Korean made metro train. I never want to miss this 7:50 train, as others are more than full. After catching very first seat I finish my McDonald burger, before snatching a nap of around 25 minutes, and while walking towards my Greek-stylish office, I refit my tie-knot to feel like another John Travolta. At last, there I am into my plush Air conditioned office, on my whirling chair, in front of me is IBM (sorry LENOVO) desktop, and then with a cup off Nestle Coffee jar in my hand, I am all ready to start my day. I have very fixed work content .In that I need to talk to clients, need to listen their problems and then give them back my version of solution the sam one that I am giving for last eighteen months. In whole day, I gulp around ten cups of coffee cup: An Archiese's china clay cup, my birthday gift, presented by one of my friends.

My lunch is not at fixed timing as it is rule of our company to not discontinue any call of client; it is like loosing one customer. Customer is GOD, a line of one of such 1000 posters those have been put around the company. I can speak English, I had studied various subjects during my schooling, then specialization in engineering, but today they are of no use. I just have to bla-bla those fixed solutions to those limited number of solutions.

I am happy, because people think that I am working with largest MNC of the world. Moreover, I am continuing with this job, because it is considered good. Nature of work does not bother me, only thing that bothers me is my pay slip. That comes on 28th of every month, and every time there is lots of tax deduction, followed by different Cess cuts, and then a variable salary. All of a sudden I heard that company is laying off three fourth of the employees, and I am one of those,as I heard that now Indians are doing the same job at one tenth of the cost, I felt bad, because I was addicted to above things. And most importantly how will I earn my bread because now I have forgot everything of my engineering days, and all the jobs of similar nature has already been thrown to China or India. So an unrest perplexed inside me. I start thinking that why I am feeling so insecure, why I am feeling so impotent ? What is wrong with the company that was launched by one of our national heroes, who is emulated by our children, but now all of whom are the parts of protest against the same company. Then I thought that perhaps ,there is some thing wrong with this word “Business”, the way it is carried out, the motive it stands upon, and the cement it is made of"….continue in next blog